Work - Peanut butter - Sherlock Holmes
So after watching cows yesterday morning I went to work at the hotell I used to work at before I went to Japan. YAY! It was awesome seeing everyone again after such a long time (even though my dear Daniel wasn't there). And it went well (work)..I think hehe. Going back there today again so maybe things will run a little bit smoother .
Anyway, after I got home, had dinner and took a shower I snuggled up in bed with some Ben & Jerrey's Core Peanut Butter Me Up and Sherlock Holmes (yup the first movie with RDJ and Jude Law). Oh my dear lord the deliciousness was beyond me...and I' talking about both the ice cream and RDJ. Hahah okay not really but he does look very good in that movie. I like his hair. Alot.