Just a random little update about random things

yey it's been 2 nice days at the kindergarden (Monday & Tuesday) and after I got off work yesterday I went to Maja' and we played some Resident Evil 6. Ah-mazin'. Yesterday's chapter was difficult as fuck and I think I ran out ammo more than a few times. But it's still awesome.
We also talked about the news from E3. Omg there's too many things to be excited about I don't even know where to begin *dies*
Today I have the day off and I've already given mom a ride to work, been at the gym, gone grocery shopping and had lunch. Today I plan on taking it easy. Reading, playing video games and watching Game of Thrones. Yup, I started watching S3 the other day and now I only have the last two episodes left. I'm totally excited. 
Tomorrow I'm working again so I'm gonna enjoy this day!! 


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