I give you the morning, I give you the day
Yesterday I hanged out with Dena and had an awesome time. We had lunch together, did some shopping and then went back to my place to regroup. Then we went grocery shopping and ate hamburgers for dinner. Yeah. When we got home we made macarons. Hahaha of course we failed at it but they still tasted delish. Then we started watching a new anime called "Free!"....it was....ah-mazin'. The fanservice was insane. I loved it.

Today I hanged out with Ina and we played Sims 3 at my place. Hehe. It was great =)
Tomorrow we're leaving for Nyköping and Erik and Laura's wedding!! It's gonna be aaaamazing!
Tomorrow we're leaving for Nyköping and Erik and Laura's wedding!! It's gonna be aaaamazing!