May the Force be with you

So this weekend I've been watching the 3 first Star Wars movies. For the first time. Yup. About time, right? So naturally I've been walking around with the epic "Darth Vader Theme" in the background the whole time. Doing anything while listening to that inside of your head makes everything seem so much more....badass. 
But, I haven't been sitting on my fat  ass the whole weekend. No no no au contraire, I have been working out both yesterday and today. Very proud. But now I ban barely move my body so...mission accomplished I suppose. 
So besides all that I've been studying some Kanji and reading some manga and watching a few anime episodes (Naruto only though). And my Harry Potter reading is proceeding much faster than before. That's good. 
Not much plans for the upcoming week....EXCEPT FOR TOKYO THIS WEEKEND!! Or I leave on Friday night by bus and arrive on Saturday morning. I'm so excited!!!
Last night I explored livejournal a little bit (been aaaages since last time) and after my Gackt-meltdown last night I got a nice Gazette-recovery.


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