Time and memory, frozen in crystal.

Hiya! Sorry about this blog being a tad bit neglected for the past days but I've been busy...yup. And with what, you'll hear in a moment.
So, on Wednesday I had lunch with mom. Then I met up with Maja! We rented and watched Resident Evil: Retribution. We also watched an episode of Walking Dead. A really kickass day. 

Lunch with mom!
On Thursday I worked...and made cupcakes!
On Friday I worked again but only until 12:00 and then me and Sofia took the car back home together. We watched some korean drama and had an amazing sallad for dinner. Then on the evening Dena and Anna came and the 4 of us sat and talked and laughed about random stuff. And ate my cupcakes!! It was awesome. Oh and I got my book I ordered together with Dena. YAY they're both quite fat book and the text is tiny so reading them will take a while but..still, I'm excited! Although one of them was hurt (the cover had a folding type of mark across it and was all messy) but hopefully they'll send me a new one!

Cupcakes with raspberries and white chocolate with regular cupcake frosting decorated with sugarf paste stars.

Yesterday, on Saturday, I first dropped of Sofia in the city and then I went to Ina's. There we had fika and then went straight down memory lane.....HAHA oh my God it was so much fun...really makes you realize that we've been together for more than 15 years..
Then this morning me and mom went to the gym together. Felt great and afterwards we went grocery shopping. After getting home I've only taken it easy. Playing video games, painting my nail etc. Oh and I watched the last episode of the K-drama, "Secret Garden". It was awesome!!! So yeah...today's been a true Sunday. 

Using my new nail polishes from Japan!

Here I used the silver chunky glitter one to make a gradient design. 

Whenever I get my nails to this lenght I like having gradient designs...I think it's pretty and because I'm keeping the part closes to the cuticle clear it's wearability is longer since you don't notice the nails growth from the top!


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