Starting my new life
Tonight's the first night alone in my apartment. Since I got back from school today I've done nothing but cleaning, doing laundry, make dinner and rearrange the furnitures that I have. In other words, 3 futons on top of each other. Heaven. I did have time though to start watching Doctor Who S6 and have a long skype session with my player 1, Maja. How I've missed that girl...
So yesterday we had a little good bye dinner together with Anton, Tsai and Bau. It was very nice and very casual and awesome as always.
Do I even need to mention how weird it feels with Dena leaving. I've made sooooooo many nice memories together with that girl the past's insane. BUT we'll meet soon again. And then, if everything goes according to plans, we'll continue making memories together, but in other countries =)
Right, I'm gonna hit the bed now. I slept maybe...3½ hours last night. Hehe. But I'll have time to watch one more ep of DW! YAY!!