Go back to Purgatory stupid Leviathan and leave us alone
I was woken up this morning by loud thunder and the sound of a massive downpour. A good start on a shitty day I thought.....
I don't like Tuesdays. Never have, never will. But today was fun. I think something/someone made me laugh at least 4 times every hour throughout the whole time at school. There surely are some interesting people at KICL...and teachers for that matter. During the last class (which is group work research time) me and my groupmates sat and fangirled over Hyde, voice actors and other awesome stuff...I appreciated it alot.
Yesterday I finished watching DW (at least all of the episodes that has aired so far) and the ending was so sad I couldn't hold back my tears. Damn you.....
So today, to make matters even worse, I began watching season 7 of Supernatural. Dena has said countless times that I really should avoid watching it but....I just couldn't hold it. So here we are, 2 episodes in the 7th season. My feelings about it all is already all over the place...I just...don't know....I miss the old Supernatural....
