First Floor, Room 117

So yesterday I was writing about roller coaster days and "ups" and "downs"....I can now say that yesterday ended with a "up".
Albert came over last evening and we made Nutella hot chocolate with whipped cream and just sat and chatted and stuff. A very, very nice evening.
Today I had a huge and delicious lunch together with Tsai. We went and had ramen and took a side dish each and just stuffed our faces with foooood!! 
Then after classes I stayed at school and studied for 2 hours. Managed to get some grammar and Kanji out of the way and even had time to have a chat with Puppy. 
And, for some unknown reason, I've had this immense urge to watch "Supernatural" these past few days....Maybe I'll reward myself with a few episodes after N2 on Sunday....


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