TODAY WAS AMAZING!! Everything went just....perfect today. Found the place for the culture day easily (everybody else got lost) and it was awesome and everyone was so nice....
After the culture day (tea cermony) in the morning then I went in to town and bought the last things I needed for going home. I'm so busy with everything right now trying to get everthing together!
But yeah everything was so amazing today...for example, I saw a totally gorgeous man at the bus on the way home...AND the girl at Starbucks was very nice and friendly.....AND the Obaachan selliing Omiyages at Sanjo was so cute...AND my lunch was awesome....AND I saw two cats walking to Shijo....AND on my way home, I was offered a takoyaki ball from a stranger xD I was buying some for take out to eat at home for dinner and a girl that stood outside that also had bought some offered my one of her tako-balls (She was a friend of the girl that was selling the tako-balls) HAHA they were both so sweet and nice but it was so random!! HAHAHHA
sorry this post is totally messed up but I'm high on coffee and tired and just...HAPPY!!!!
sorry this post is totally messed up but I'm high on coffee and tired and just...HAPPY!!!!

By Heian Temple...

At the tea cermony place

The traditional japanese sweets we got before

Walking to the city


My beautiful Kyoto
