A really kickass Monday
Today has been aaaaaaamazing!!
Classes went by pretty ok and then when it was time for lunch me, Tsai, Anton and Kyo went to Osho!! We each got one BIG Yakimeshi plate (rise and egg and meat) and gyoza and stuff. Soooo good ~

The me and Tsai went back to school to study. But....that didn't go all too well. I had my laptop with me (so that I could study Kanji) so we ended up looking at old photos of me, Sofia, Dena and pictures of Sweden. Hahah Tsai was so excited xD Then we took a short study break and got some stuff out of the way and then our classmate Akio came over to say goodbye (he's only here on a short term program with his american classmates and today was his last day at school). I'm really gonna miss him alot. I even though he hasn't been here that long I really really wish he could've stayed longer.....So yeah, I gave him a huge hug and wished him the best with his future studies....

Then.....omg.....HAHAHAH....Then his friend came up to me...and.....hahah he told me something that just....Left me a little bit dumbstruck...and blushing.....very much...
THEN we heard the the Emperor of Japan was gonna ride by in his car and waved at people through the street outside of the school. Since it's election time and all I guess....So we all got outside and waited. And when they drove by we all cheered and waved =) Hahah he was so cute and his wife was BEAUTIFUL!!! I only managed to take really shitty pics so...yeah..

Yup...that's it. The Emperor's car....pretty huh? Too bad I couldn't get a pic of the Emperor himself...*sigh*
When I got home I procrastinated and had some chocolate for dinner (I know...healthy,right?) and then a looong skype session with my wonderful Maja. AWESOME DAY!!!