I dreamed about Alice Nine last night :] GAAH <3 We were at my place. First off, I met Nao in the closet (!!!). I wasn't sure it was him but then I asked his name and he said: I'm Nao *smile*. GAAAAAAH he was so cute I just hugged him right away xD

Then (and this was sort of the main part of the dream) I was in my old bedroom together with Hiroto. We were sitting in front of my computer, talking. He said the he really wanted to learn Swedish (wtf) so I teached him some simple phrases. And (amazingly), he could pronounce the words correctly :O It was so weird though...since Hiroto isn't my favourite member of Alice Nine but I still enjoyed being with him so much!! He was so nice and sweet and the whole dream felt so real!!
Then, later on in the dream, I was on the bus. Together with Hiroto ^^ And then all of the sudden Saga and Tora stepped on the bus. Imagine how I had to supress my squeel XD Hiroto waved at them and they sat behind us and then the four of us started talking. IT WAS SO AWESOME!! Hanging out with Alice Nine is the best ;D (I just wished that Shou was there too T__T)
