Oh no lion-porn! What if they do that to us?! / Richard Hammond

I can't decide if today has gone by fast or slow...
I had to rush from my danceclass to the driving school. Where I had class for 3 ½ hours -_-

Tonight I've been studying and watched Top Gear. I'm seriously in love with those blokes. They're bloody brilliant!! It's airing again tonight at 02:05 (not sure if it's the same or a new one...) and I'm seriously considering watching that too...even though I have to get up to work tomorrow.

Jeremy: "That was bad.. and now it's on fire"
Richard: "IT'S ON FIRE?! It can't be!!" *looks* "Yeah it's on fire..."

I'm gonna catch this moment to upload a pic of my dreamcar. It's a late model but hey... it's gorgeous anyhow. So this is the beauty that I've been drooling over the past 7 years...

Dodge Viper SRT 10


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