Part 2 of TARD-WEEK

Yesterday me and Sofia studied japanese together and painted : D YAY!
And then we were nerdy in the evening with our laptops <3 PETRILUDE!!!

And today. We went to the city. AND!! A freaky guy started to flirt with us at the liberary! HE WAS SO CREEPY!!
We had to make a running escape to the elevators and totally jinked the fucker. Don't mess with us!!
Yeah.... and then we ran a few errands and then went home and made Yakisoba <3

And now...We're with Otto, Dena and Anna : D
topics are: Sex, Hentai, Yaoi, Boobs, Assassin's Creed, Porn and a little Supernatural among others.....


today before going in to the city

Sofia looking smart <3

Anna, Dena and Sofia reading Yaoi. Otto being very much disturbed.


*focused*, *peace*, *whaaat* and *actually interested*


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